Septic System Health

Why We Care:

Our beautiful Leelanau lakes are a treasure.  They are a major reason why many of us live here.  They are also the main draw for the many tourists who are the lifeblood of local businesses. Human fecal bacteria have been confirmed in EVERY Leelanau lake tested using state-of-the-art detection technology.

Neither Leelanau County or the state of Michigan (the only state in the US without one) have any septic inspection, monitoring process, or ordinance. Leelanau County has over 15,000 septic systems which are totally unmonitored and uninspected, except for at the time of construction.  And since many were built prior to 1972, even their construction was not inspected. Neighboring Benzie County, which shares the same health department with Leelanau, has had a  county septic inspection ordinance for over 20 years.

 The average life of a septic system is 25 – 30 years.  One Leelanau lake’s records show that 60% of the structures are more than 40 years old.

 The Republican bloc of the Leelanau Board of Commissioners has blocked any action on this for 25 years and continue to do so.  Will Bunek, the Republican Commissioner on the Board of Health is one of the obstructionists.

 Given the treasure of our beautiful lakes, confirmed human fecal contamination in all of them tested, and 15,000 uninspected septic systems, this problem needs to be investigated and remedied.

Our Big Goal:

Get Leelanau Board of Commissioners and Board of Health to direct, resource, and fund the Health Department to investigate this problem, recommend the appropriate best-practice solution to BOC, and have BOC approve it.

Take Action!

  • Attend (virtually or in person) Leelanau County Board of Commissioners meetings and every other month Board of Health meetings

  • Follow this issue in the Enterprise, the Board of Commissioners minutes, and  the minutes of the every other month meetings of the Board of Health of the Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department

  • Write letters to the Editor and public comments (written or verbal) to Leelanau County Board of Commissioners and Board of Health are needed to address the disgusting contamination of our beautiful lakes per above.




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